Hey there Mom!!
I know that I usually start all of my letters with the same title but that is because it is true. This week went faster that the other! I look at the calender and think, wow, another transfer is almost over. Where did the time go?
I think that we should all take a pause and think for a little bit, what are we doing with our time and how are we using it productively?
This week we had a few trips to Rosario and we did divisions with the zone leaders. Well, kind of did divisions. It was only for the night because the next day they did it with the other missionaries here in Cañada. But somthing really good, Rocio had her baptisimal interview on Saturday and passed with flying colors! This Saturday is going to be her baptism. And how crazy it is going to be because I am going to baptize her and then us four elders are going to sing. Que loco! But it should be good.
We don´t really have any more solid investigadors. We have some refferences but cant contact them yet. I dont know. So we are teaching less actives and preparing their kids to be baptized. There are 2 kids from less active families that are going to get baptized here soon. So that is exciting.
Food: We eat the same thing like every day. Pasta, rice, pasta, rice, hot dogs, pasta, rice, eggs, pasta, rice, and more pasta and rice. Seriously the members only feed us that because it is super cheap and easy to make. So I am getting a bit larger from all of the calories and carbs.
District Leader: It is going good my assignment. Really the only changes are my letters to President Zanni. I have to get all of the numbers from the companionships every week, and I usually have to make the desicions like what we are going to teach or who is going to give a prayer. Oh, and I am the one who has to teach the lesson or give a talk when it is needed. Because I have SO much more time than the other missionaries here. (1 month) They think I am the missionary expert because I have one month more.
Elder Tovalino: Still is a little bit quiet but when he does talk it is usually something weird or annoying. He snores really loud. And his feet have this odor that is unbearable. He brought a big bag of ear plugs for his companions and I have to use them for my ears and my nose.
Alright, something to throw out there. If anyone would like to send me something, I have a list of the things that I would like. Or just like little package stuffers. If you would like the list, I have registered at target, bed bath and beyond, ....no joking. but seriously, I have a list if you would like it.
I hope everyone has a great week.
Elder Salinas
Tell dad that I am going to take money out again because the bank said they are going to cancel my card in 2 weeks because they sent the new one. So I don´t know when I will have money again. Thanks!
Monday, August 24, 2015
August 18, 2015
Hey Mom,
I hope you weren't waiting all day at the computer for me yesterday! There was a holiday, Kids Day, and all of the places to use computers were closed. But hey, things happen.
This week went by super fast. We had a lesson with our less active family/investigator Rocio. It went super good! We shared a few scriptures with her about baptism and how you can´t be saved without it. She asked us, so I won´t be protected unless I get baptized? NOPE!! Then she asked when we can baptize her and she asked me to do it. So that was pretty cool! Saturday the 29th I will baptize her.
We took a few trips to Rosario for my companion. He has to do rehab on his wrist because he broke it a few months ago. Two more trips this week and two more the next. That kind of takes out four entire days of work because it is a 4 hour trip in bus plus the time at the rehab center. But I like it because I am learning medical terms in Spanish!! Almost all of it is the same however, just pronounced differently.
This week it rained a lot! The clouds never seem to want to leave. But, I have the best view from on top of our apartment. That is a silver lining to the "wonderful" Cañada de Gomez.
Okay, I don´t know when you are thinking about sending another package but when you do, would you mind putting in a few pictures of the wedding? It is just super expensive to print them out here. Almost a dollar for each one. That´d be great!
Oh yeah, some exciting news. I officially turned 6 months this week. The time is flying by. Lets see what the next 18 months has in store for me!
I hope you weren't waiting all day at the computer for me yesterday! There was a holiday, Kids Day, and all of the places to use computers were closed. But hey, things happen.
This week went by super fast. We had a lesson with our less active family/investigator Rocio. It went super good! We shared a few scriptures with her about baptism and how you can´t be saved without it. She asked us, so I won´t be protected unless I get baptized? NOPE!! Then she asked when we can baptize her and she asked me to do it. So that was pretty cool! Saturday the 29th I will baptize her.
We took a few trips to Rosario for my companion. He has to do rehab on his wrist because he broke it a few months ago. Two more trips this week and two more the next. That kind of takes out four entire days of work because it is a 4 hour trip in bus plus the time at the rehab center. But I like it because I am learning medical terms in Spanish!! Almost all of it is the same however, just pronounced differently.
This week it rained a lot! The clouds never seem to want to leave. But, I have the best view from on top of our apartment. That is a silver lining to the "wonderful" Cañada de Gomez.
Okay, I don´t know when you are thinking about sending another package but when you do, would you mind putting in a few pictures of the wedding? It is just super expensive to print them out here. Almost a dollar for each one. That´d be great!
Oh yeah, some exciting news. I officially turned 6 months this week. The time is flying by. Lets see what the next 18 months has in store for me!

August 10, 2015
This week went by pretty quick. But I don´t feel like we can get anything accomplished. We have had a bunch of meetings and stuff in Rosario. Also, it has been raining out of control. Like we legit can´t leave the apartment. Yesterday morning we got to the church and it looked like we had just gone swimming. I was wet and cold all day because of that.
Being District Leader isn´t all that. It really just adds more stress into a stressful mission life. Having to worry about investigators, less actives, missionaries, branch activities. A lot of stuff! I have been so tired! I can´t sleep either because my comp falls asleep really fast and he snores louder than Dad. But, what are ya gonna do?
The video was from a Family Home Evening for the Branch. When I fell it was a part of it but yeah my shoulder hurts all the time. And my knee. But again, what are ya gonna do?
The truth is that I don´t have much news on my investigators because we don´t have a bunch. This week I felt super unproductive. But I am trying to keep a positive attitude. We have a goal to get two baptisms this month. I don´t want to let the mission down if it is our two that keep us from getting our goal of 80 as a mission. But it is just super tough.
I am excited for Taylor and Brooklyn. They are going to have a bunch of challenges and trials in their life, but they can get through anything if they learn to really be open and talk. Something I have learned on the mission already. Unless you talk about and express the problems you have with someone, nothing will get resolved.
I took this picture for Dad, hope he likes it.
Did you guys get my letters? I gave Elder Reidhead a bunch to send when he got home a couple weeks ago. Hope he didn´t forget.
Good luck with everything this week! It will be busy!
Being District Leader isn´t all that. It really just adds more stress into a stressful mission life. Having to worry about investigators, less actives, missionaries, branch activities. A lot of stuff! I have been so tired! I can´t sleep either because my comp falls asleep really fast and he snores louder than Dad. But, what are ya gonna do?
The video was from a Family Home Evening for the Branch. When I fell it was a part of it but yeah my shoulder hurts all the time. And my knee. But again, what are ya gonna do?
The truth is that I don´t have much news on my investigators because we don´t have a bunch. This week I felt super unproductive. But I am trying to keep a positive attitude. We have a goal to get two baptisms this month. I don´t want to let the mission down if it is our two that keep us from getting our goal of 80 as a mission. But it is just super tough.
I am excited for Taylor and Brooklyn. They are going to have a bunch of challenges and trials in their life, but they can get through anything if they learn to really be open and talk. Something I have learned on the mission already. Unless you talk about and express the problems you have with someone, nothing will get resolved.
I took this picture for Dad, hope he likes it.
Did you guys get my letters? I gave Elder Reidhead a bunch to send when he got home a couple weeks ago. Hope he didn´t forget.
Good luck with everything this week! It will be busy!
In honor of his Dad's birthday!!!
This is the daughter of the Secretary in the Branch. When we first got here she was really shy and now we are her best friends. This was after the activity we did.
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
July 28, 2015
So we were doing our cleaning and studying and we got a call from the Zone Leaders. We were not expecting this call for transfers because we both just got put into this area. Well, They told us that they had some news. Unfortunately, Elder Medina got transferred. He is going to open up a new area in a city called Galvez. So then I was like "well fetch, what am I going to be doing, who is my new comp!?!" They first said, Salinas, you´re training. What? are you serious? Then they said no. How rude was that. But they did have some good news to give me. They told me that I am with Elder Tovalino (he is from my group). The other companionship here also has another elder from my Group. So three of the four of us only have 3 transfers under our belt, the other only has 2. Well the really good and exciting news is that I am the new District Leader. I am a little bit worried that I am going to do something to mess up. haha but this is just proof that the Lord calls the weak and humble to do his work. If any of you have any advice to give me, please send it my way!
So last night we got back to the apartment and finished our planning, I started reading some talks and my companion layed on his bed and was waiting for 10:30 to come. (He is super quiet and really closed off. He was crying pretty good when his trainer got transferred.) A little bit later I could hear him sleeping. I figured he had had a hard day so I wasn´t going to bother him. Well then the phone started to ring. I looked at it. President Zanni. My blood pressure goes up and I start thinking, Great, what did I do wrong on my first day as district leader. I answer, Hola Elder Salinas, is your companion there? I'm thinking, oh crap, he is asleep. So I cover the microphone and I go into the room, Elder!! Elder!! Get up! President is on the phone. He takes it and puts it on speaker, "Hello", he says in a tired voice. Then President and his family start singing to him. I didn´t quite understand all of the words but the tune was very familiar. Oh crap! Today is his birthday!!! So we made him a little cake type thing today.
So last night we got back to the apartment and finished our planning, I started reading some talks and my companion layed on his bed and was waiting for 10:30 to come. (He is super quiet and really closed off. He was crying pretty good when his trainer got transferred.) A little bit later I could hear him sleeping. I figured he had had a hard day so I wasn´t going to bother him. Well then the phone started to ring. I looked at it. President Zanni. My blood pressure goes up and I start thinking, Great, what did I do wrong on my first day as district leader. I answer, Hola Elder Salinas, is your companion there? I'm thinking, oh crap, he is asleep. So I cover the microphone and I go into the room, Elder!! Elder!! Get up! President is on the phone. He takes it and puts it on speaker, "Hello", he says in a tired voice. Then President and his family start singing to him. I didn´t quite understand all of the words but the tune was very familiar. Oh crap! Today is his birthday!!! So we made him a little cake type thing today.
Elder Tovalino is from Peru also. He turned 19 yesterday and has 5 months in the mission. One month more than me because he was only in the MTC for 2 weeks. Very quiet and doesn´t like much. So in a way, the zone leaders were right, I am training. At least, that is what it feels like.
This was a super hard transfer however, Elder Reidhead, the other missionary that was here, finished his mission. Even though I wasnt companions with him, we were all always together and I got to know him really well. He taught me so much. He is from Oakley Utah. Super great guy who is going to do great things with his life. He was a QB in high school, hurt his shoulder, and wants to be an orthopedic surgeon. We have a lot in common.
So that is how this week went here in Cañada de Gomez. If any of you have anything you would like to tell me, or advice you could graciously give to me, It would be greatly appreciated.
Also, right now we have 2 Investigators that will get baptized almost for sure this transfer. and a family that is now 100% reactivated.
This was a super hard transfer however, Elder Reidhead, the other missionary that was here, finished his mission. Even though I wasnt companions with him, we were all always together and I got to know him really well. He taught me so much. He is from Oakley Utah. Super great guy who is going to do great things with his life. He was a QB in high school, hurt his shoulder, and wants to be an orthopedic surgeon. We have a lot in common.
So that is how this week went here in Cañada de Gomez. If any of you have anything you would like to tell me, or advice you could graciously give to me, It would be greatly appreciated.
Also, right now we have 2 Investigators that will get baptized almost for sure this transfer. and a family that is now 100% reactivated.
July 20, 2015
Not a whole lot happened this week. An investigator had a baptisimal interview with the District Leader. But he needed to have another interview with President Zanni for some other things that need to be resolved. So President came all the way out to our area (1:30hrs) with his family and his brother in law and family on Sunday morning to interview this guy. Also, it was his birthday!! He sacrifices so much to be a great mission president. The truth, I love him, We call him a mini Elder Holland. Super profound and just very humble and worthy. He is a great example for me. We also had our other investigator and her family (less actives) at church.
We have done a lot of service for the members here and we have been having a buch of sleepovers with the other two elders here. Elder Reidhead ends his mission next week and has been a little sad lately so we try and do a lot together to help him out.
I became a missionary Saturday afternoon. There is only one real way to do it, it involves losing a pair of pants. That is all that I am going to say.
I can´t believe that this is the last week of this transfer! It is just flying by! Very likely that in one week I will be training. But we will see how things go haha.
Not much else that I can think of to share with ya.
Keep sendin the emails my way. I love to hear from everyone.
With love,
Elder Salinas
We have done a lot of service for the members here and we have been having a buch of sleepovers with the other two elders here. Elder Reidhead ends his mission next week and has been a little sad lately so we try and do a lot together to help him out.
I became a missionary Saturday afternoon. There is only one real way to do it, it involves losing a pair of pants. That is all that I am going to say.
I can´t believe that this is the last week of this transfer! It is just flying by! Very likely that in one week I will be training. But we will see how things go haha.
Not much else that I can think of to share with ya.
Keep sendin the emails my way. I love to hear from everyone.
With love,
Elder Salinas
July 13, 2015
This week went by super fast as well.
We have some great investigators. Rocio is the daughter in a less active family. She is really excited for her baptism the 25th of July. We have had a bunch of lessons with her and her family. They are finally coming to church now. We had to go and pick them up with a member but hey, they came. The next investigator is Gabriel. He is great. A huge shmoozer but hey, he`s doin good. He has told us that God told him he needs to be in the church and get baptized. So that is sweet!! He wants to know when we have more activities so that he can come to those too. He also had a baptism date for the 25th. The other two investigators that we have are Jesus and Sandra. They are a couple from Bolivia and have two kids. They own a clothing store and are open on Sundays so it makes it super hard to attend church. But during Priesthood yesterday he walked in! I was pumped about that! We need to teach them Tithing and get them to accept a baptismal date. Also, we have had a bunch of less actives coming back! So all in all the week was good. However, we had an interesting encounter one night when we got back to the apartment. Elder Medina and I found an ATM reciept under our door. I was about to throw it away when I saw there was something written on the back. There is another person that lives in the apartment building who has been watching us these past few weeks. He noticed that we live together and likes it. Then he asked us to come up to his apartment and experiment with him on an adventure. Wow...Martiposo!! Ask Taylor what that means. It suits this guy. So besides that, the week was great!! I hope you all have a great week in McCall! I love the pictures of the Cars from Dad. How lucky Grandpa and Grandma.
Happy Anniversary this Wednesday!
Still no news on your mail for me.
We have some great investigators. Rocio is the daughter in a less active family. She is really excited for her baptism the 25th of July. We have had a bunch of lessons with her and her family. They are finally coming to church now. We had to go and pick them up with a member but hey, they came. The next investigator is Gabriel. He is great. A huge shmoozer but hey, he`s doin good. He has told us that God told him he needs to be in the church and get baptized. So that is sweet!! He wants to know when we have more activities so that he can come to those too. He also had a baptism date for the 25th. The other two investigators that we have are Jesus and Sandra. They are a couple from Bolivia and have two kids. They own a clothing store and are open on Sundays so it makes it super hard to attend church. But during Priesthood yesterday he walked in! I was pumped about that! We need to teach them Tithing and get them to accept a baptismal date. Also, we have had a bunch of less actives coming back! So all in all the week was good. However, we had an interesting encounter one night when we got back to the apartment. Elder Medina and I found an ATM reciept under our door. I was about to throw it away when I saw there was something written on the back. There is another person that lives in the apartment building who has been watching us these past few weeks. He noticed that we live together and likes it. Then he asked us to come up to his apartment and experiment with him on an adventure. Wow...Martiposo!! Ask Taylor what that means. It suits this guy. So besides that, the week was great!! I hope you all have a great week in McCall! I love the pictures of the Cars from Dad. How lucky Grandpa and Grandma.
Happy Anniversary this Wednesday!
Still no news on your mail for me.
July 6, 2015
This week we had a Family Home Evening with a less active family. (In my area there are two sets of elders) The other elders prepared a lesson to share with this family on the Atonement. They had a cake prepared and went around asking all of us who would like a piece. My companion and I raised our hands of course not knowing what the lesson was yet. All of the kids raised their hands and were getting super excited. One elder counted how many people were in the room with their hands in the air. Then he looked at his comp. and asked, "Will you do 10 push ups so that Sister Martinez can eat her piece of cake?" "Yeah sure, no problem!" Joyfully replied the other elder. "Mari, do you want your piece of cake still?" "Not if he has to do push ups for it." "Alright, Elder, Will you do 10 push ups so that Mari doesn´t eat her piece of cake?" With a displeased look on his face, he got down and started to do the push ups. We went of with everyone else at the tabgle and by the end of the night, this elder was dying. Sweating from everywhere and just in pain. The point of this lesson is to obviously show the sacrifice that Jesus Christ made for us. When we choose not to except what he did for us, he gets a little sad because he still had to suffer for each ad everyone of us. During the entire lesson I could remember very cleary a devotional from Seminary that was about a boy who had to do the exact thing for donuts and his seminary class. We have been trying to teach and share a lot about the Atonement these last few weeks and I love it. I can feel the spirit so strongly when we testify of what Jesus Christ did for us.
I have a strong testimony of the Atonement of Christ and I love my savior. I know that he loves me too.
This 4th of July was way different. We did the best we could to make it the same though. Elder Medina, Reidhead, Rivarola, and I had an asado. It was super good. Beef and chicken!!!
We found a statue of someone that looks a lot like a mythical creature from Paraguay. I turned to Elder Rivarola (from Paraguay) and was like, "Hey man look, its Kuripi" he just about died laughing. Pretty similar I guess.
Tell Grandma that she is in my prayers. And also, keep President Zanni in your prayers. He is having surgery tomorrow and it is a pretty risky one. To the point of him telling us to help his wife and family return to their Home town if he doesnt make it.
I love you all!
I have a strong testimony of the Atonement of Christ and I love my savior. I know that he loves me too.
This 4th of July was way different. We did the best we could to make it the same though. Elder Medina, Reidhead, Rivarola, and I had an asado. It was super good. Beef and chicken!!!
We found a statue of someone that looks a lot like a mythical creature from Paraguay. I turned to Elder Rivarola (from Paraguay) and was like, "Hey man look, its Kuripi" he just about died laughing. Pretty similar I guess.
Tell Grandma that she is in my prayers. And also, keep President Zanni in your prayers. He is having surgery tomorrow and it is a pretty risky one. To the point of him telling us to help his wife and family return to their Home town if he doesnt make it.
I love you all!

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