
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

March 30, 2015

This week was really tough to be honest! The whole culture change was a pretty big shock and I finally realized just how much Spanish I actually don´t know. The people here speak so fast and it is hard to understand them. But I know that if I just keep pressin forward then I can get through the challenge.

My trainer: Elder Carter,
He is from Canada...I won´t hold that against him, He is a really good trainer. He has been here for 7 months and knows the language pretty well. Something that I learned from him is how important it is to work with the members. He doesn´t contact that much but he really likes working with the less actives and with members and gets a ton of referrals.

My Area: San Lorenzo. There is one branch here which is a huge shock because of the past. There are more than 700 members but only like 60 people come to church every week. So we have a huge list of less actives to go through.

Best thing I have eaten: We had lunch at a members house the other day and we had Pasta with Chicken. Doesn´t sound like much cause it isn´t but that was the best thing so far. We don´t really eat dinner cause everyone here just does a big lunch and then no dinner. So that is really the only time that I eat.

Worst thing I have eaten: There was this "pizza" we had....no I can sympathize for Taylor on his Birthday with that pizza he had. They made like 3 different kinds of pizza for us and the one that tasted the best was the Tuna pizza...that´s saying something.

Spanish: Very difficult to understand the kids and older people. They all speak really fast and they mumble a lot. I can get the message across when I want to but it takes a little bit longer than normal. However for my first week, it is going pretty well.

I don´t know the names of the people that we have taught but I know that they are all doing really well. They had 3 baptisms last Saturday and they are all doing really good. We have 3 programs or baptisms scheduled for later on this coming month so I am excited for that.

I have been teaching parts of the lessons pretty well and doing the spiritual thought that ends up being exactly what the people need so that is pretty cool.

It sounds like Spring Break was a blast! I hope no one got sunburned! The weather here is really nice. Today is kinda hot but for the most part it is really good. We never close the door to our Pench, apartment, because it will just get really musty and gross in there. I will try and get pictures of it on here.

I have already started my list of stuff I want to eat when I get home. Very excited to share that with you...in like 18 months haha.

I hope everyone has a great week! Tell me what else you would all like to hear from me about the people down here in Argentina.

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