
Thursday, April 16, 2015

April 6, 2015

Mom & Dad

This week was better. I finally just realized that I am definitely not in the States any more! Things just werent the same this year for conference. No cinnamon rolls, blankets, nachos, or any of that. Instead we spent the weekend in the office of the Secretary at the church to watch it. The messages were so amazing though! I am so glad that I got to watch in English! If you could send me the May ensign when it comes out, that would be awesome!!

Best thing I ate, definitely some milinasa. It is like carne asada but it is fried! So good!
Worst thing, This member had us over and we ate this "casserole" which consisted of rice, boiled eggs, lima beans, and canned fish! Skin and all! The smell was almost worst than the tase. To top things off though, he has like 8 dogs and they are all just in the house and one of them peed on the floor in the "kitchen" and he just acted like nothing happened. It was different.

I loved all the conference talks! I told dad this but I really liked the one by Elder Holland about how we all need the Hands of our brother, Jesus Christ. Without him, we would all fall with Death and feel the sting of it. But thanks to his sacrifice, we can all overcome physical and spiritual death and be able to live with our Heavenly Father and our families for eternity.

We have 6 investigators with a baptism date so far and 2 more that are waiting on an answer from the Spirit if this is the correct path for them. Maria Ester is a 65 year old lady who has a really hard time remembering what we teach her but it so excited to get baptized and has a strong testimony. Her date is the 18th this month. Then for the 2nd of May we have, Lilliana, Juan Manual, Gabriel Hauser, Gabriela, and the wife of a less active. Then the other two are Luis and Olga. A mother and son that have gotten answers but havent realized it yet. They are preparing for a baptism on the 2nd of May as well.

I love teaching in Spanish down here. I still dont know much spanish yet but I definitley recognize the Spirit whenever we are teaching! There are so many people here that need the gospel so much in their life and I am so grateful for the opportunity that I have to share it with them.

Missionary work doesnt start out here in the field. It starts in the primary classes, the Relief Society, and the preisthood. It is in the schools and on the streets back home. Each and every one of you need to either prepare to serve a full time mission or you need to do missionary work through your actions. We should be doing missionary work at all times without even realizing it. We are all disciples of Jesus Christ. Knowing that, do you still feel good about everything that you have done today? Is there something you would have done differently if Christ was standing next to you? Everyone in the world sees what us as members of the church do and they judge us whether it be for good or for bad. Make sure the example you are setting is a good one.

Alright, Something interesting, There is a sister in my district that was in the same MTC district as Lindsay Washburn, they are on their last transfer. Her name is Sister Hawkes.

I have my address for you.

MisiĆ³n Argentina Rosario

Blvd. Argentino 7935

2000 Rosario, Santa Fe


Thank you for all of your support Mom! I love you so much! I cant wait for Conference when we are all together as one big family! That is why we are here on the Earth. To learn and grow together as Families!

Let me know what I can do to help out in whatever ways I can from down here.

Elder Salinas

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