I remember back to a letter from Spencer on his mission about how his companion wouldn`t ever let him teach in the lessons, THAT IS NOT THE WAY TO TRAIN A NEW MISSIONARY! Elder Carter lets me teach just as much as he does and I love it! Yeah it might be challenging at times and he might have to jump in to correct something I say but it has helped me grow tremendously! However there are two experiences in particular that stand out to me.
1. We were teaching a less active member named "Hermana" (don´t know her name). We are teaching her 11 year old daughter and her mom is learning more than she knows. This week we went to teach her daughter but she wasn´t there so we ended up teaching the mom. During the middle of the lesson, Elder Carter looked at me to share something and I just started speaking. I don´t know what I said, I don´t know how I said it, but I was speaking Spanish. I was saying the things that this sister needed to hear. Because right after I finished what I had to say, she stared bawling. I think of the scripture in 2 Nephi 33:1 1 And now I, Nephi, cannot write all the things whichwere taught among my people; neither am I mighty inwriting, like unto speaking; for when a man speaketh by the power of the Holy Ghost the power of the Holy Ghost carrieth it unto the hearts of the children of men.
The Holy Ghost was speaking through me for that sister. She opened up and we just started having a conversation with her. At the end of the lesson, I asked Elder Carter what we were talking about in there and he told me that she said she knows she needs to repent for the mistakes in her life. She just had such a strong impression of that and I know that at that moment, I was a instrument in the Lord`s hands.
2. We went to teach another less active member whose name is Hna. Piston. We were going to remind her about church and just share a little scripture with her. When we got there, she had a friend of another religion there whose name is Silvia. We both just saw this as a great opportunity to have a new investigator. So we were off, talking about the gospel with Silvia. Turns out, she loves history. Especially the history of other religions. She has studied the Restoration of the church, read the Book of Mormon, and she knows that it is true. She was a true answer to our prayers. We were talking about Joseph Smith and she told us that she knows of that story but doesn´t know exactly what happened. She Elder Carter was setting up to share the First Vision and then turned to me to share it. Caught me off guard but I was ready. I spoke from the heart, by the power of the Holy Ghost, and shared what Joseph Smith shared from his experience in the Grove of Trees. The only thing that I can remember from that moment is how strong I could feel the Spirit. Since that moment, I have been trying to have the Spirit that strong in every lesson. He is one teaching the investigators. We are just there to be the mouth piece for him.
We have a baptism this week for Maria-Ester Fonseca. She is the best, doesn´t remember everything super well but is so ready to be baptized. I will have pictures from that next week.
I love this work. When you lose yourself in it, you don´t even realize where the time goes, that is why it is so precious to make sure that you use every piece of the time wisely. You only get two years to completely serve the Lord in this calling. Make the most of it. I love being a missionary and I love that I get to share the Gospel in Spanish. Yes it is a trial, however with the Lord on my side, how can I fail?
I love you all so much, thank you for your support! Let me know if there is anything that I can do for you!!!
PS: Just some misc. things that I have written down throughout the week.
1. The broken bottles on top of fences is real!2. One house we went into had a bunch of like Devil Scent Sticks to cast out the devil. Weird!!3. The time to get packages is anywhere from 7-9 weeks as I have recently found out from the postage dates on packages from people in the zone. 4. Chipoltle
Chilula and peanut butter are awesome! :)
This picture is with Elder Bates. He is one of our Zone Leaders and he is from Meridian.
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